A Letter to my Firstborn

Hi Baby, Just when I was tucking your baby sister in, I could not help but think to myself that I was so lucky that you are my firstborn. You are a brat with the most mischievous air about you, undoubtedly, but you also have the purest heart. You are so compassionate and so kind,ContinueContinue reading “A Letter to my Firstborn”

#MovieReview: Ghostbusters (2016)

Disclaimer: This is a spoiler-free review of the movie Ghostbusters that released this past week. Spoiler-free, not by choice, but by restraint. There is nothing much I can spill as the writing of the movie is the real ghost that needed some major busting. If you stepped into the cinema hall expecting to be blown away,ContinueContinue reading “#MovieReview: Ghostbusters (2016)”

Our Imperfect Perfections

I turn 27 tomorrow and I have a confession to make. I am an imperfect human. I am not a great looker and my sense of style is perhaps misplaced. I am not an exemplary cook nor am I a prominent name in the profession of my choice. If I were to decide the course ofContinueContinue reading “Our Imperfect Perfections”

The Phone Call

To me, there is something very empowering about making a call and striking a conversation. It is an exhilarating experience on occasions when the person on the other end is an old dear friend or they are someone you just randomly happened to phone the first time because of some work. I have had many a delightfulContinueContinue reading “The Phone Call”


Love is exhausting. Love is rejeuvenating. Love is contradictory.Love is demanding and irrational.It is about having to let go of a fortune to gain that one person’s willing attention.Love makes. Love breaks.It is the strongest magnetic pull there is.It craves attention, it gives attention.It wants you to be happy.Love is to keep the significant otherContinueContinue reading “Love”