Hulk-Me, SMASH!

The last time I wrote anything on the blog was over two months ago. And that too was a ‘sponsored’ post. Let me break it down to you. Most of the content you see on a blog, if in the end it plugs a certain product, 99 percent chances are that it is paid for.ContinueContinue reading “Hulk-Me, SMASH!”

101 things being a mother taught me

I have the privilege of writing alongside some really amazing mom bloggers who are telling everyone their stories of motherhood changed them. Some of their accounts moved me, some were plain emotional. Turns out I have no such whirlwind thoughts about motherhood to be honest. Motherhood did not change me, it only enhanced those partsContinueContinue reading “101 things being a mother taught me”

Acceptance and busting Pregnancy-related Myths

I have never complied by rules on the first go. If someone asks me to do something a certain way, I first do the opposite and then if that does not bode well with me I will return to do things the way I was first asked to do. So naturally, my first instinct isContinueContinue reading “Acceptance and busting Pregnancy-related Myths”

5 thoughts I have when the baby moves!

One of the most defining moments during your pregnancy is the time you feel the baby squirm inside of you. Given that you have been living with a black and white ultrasound image of a blob of mass, five months into the pregnancy, you finally get that one proof that there is indeed something growingContinueContinue reading “5 thoughts I have when the baby moves!”

Plus-size shopping : My favourite brands

Wearing a comfortable Jersey Tshirt from aLLThe struggle for the perfect clothes is real. And especially if you are a full-figured on-the-heavier side woman, finding clothes that are the right size and fit for you is the most difficult. For years, I have been on the lookout for stores big and small that had signs onContinueContinue reading “Plus-size shopping : My favourite brands”

5 unexpected ways your body changes during Pregnancy!

Cruising through the last month of pregnancy is turning out to be quite uneventful apart from the fact that I am suddenly very aware of every little thing that happens to my body. Apart from the obvious physical changes(duh!) that an expecting mother’s body goes through during the nine months, some changes in my bodyContinueContinue reading “5 unexpected ways your body changes during Pregnancy!”

What they don’t tell you about being pregnant!

Pregnancy!One of those things in life that have been extensively talked and written about. Every single person you meet in the course of your pregnancy will have at least one piece of advice for you because the world cares immensely for that unborn baby inside of you and they want you to be careful andContinueContinue reading “What they don’t tell you about being pregnant!”

The Anti-Teacher

I am the anti-teacher.I am not anti teachers. I am the anti-teacher.Having been a teacher myself for about 18 months, I understand the dilemma teachers are faced in the early stages of their teaching career. To be strict or not. To be the loved teacher or the frowny disciplined one. Before you chance upon theContinueContinue reading “The Anti-Teacher”

Spunk and Colour – Meenakshi Pamnani

It started out in the early months of 2016 when I conceptualised and decided to document and chart the journey of fashion prominent women bloggers in Hyderabad. I knew some of these bloggers personally and I reached out to a couple more and received the warmest reception from them. The plan did hit a bumpContinueContinue reading “Spunk and Colour – Meenakshi Pamnani”

#ShaadiSeries : 11 Things I would have done differently in my wedding

Right now, I am 9 months into my wedding but most days I feel like it only happened yesterday. But then there are times it feels like it was years ago, what with all that is happening in life at such a fast pace. Looking back at my wedding, I do have regrets about howContinueContinue reading “#ShaadiSeries : 11 Things I would have done differently in my wedding”