A Letter to my Firstborn

Hi Baby, Just when I was tucking your baby sister in, I could not help but think to myself that I was so lucky that you are my firstborn. You are a brat with the most mischievous air about you, undoubtedly, but you also have the purest heart. You are so compassionate and so kind,ContinueContinue reading “A Letter to my Firstborn”

Managing my Day: Toddler+Newborn edition

I am blogging after two years. Sheesh! That’s an awfully long time. What is worse that in that time, Covid has become a pandemic, life’s taken a complete 360 and I’ve cruised through an entire pregnancy along with being Covidified (I know Covidified is not an actual word, but it should be tbh). There wasContinueContinue reading “Managing my Day: Toddler+Newborn edition”

O for Oxymoronic Lives | AtoZ Challenge

There was this song in some random Bollywood movie I heard a long time ago. I could probably Google the movie by the name of the song and might as well mention the name here. But I think it would just be a waste of time, just like those 10 seconds you must have wastedContinueContinue reading “O for Oxymoronic Lives | AtoZ Challenge”

M for Modern Family | AtoZ Challenge

I am stepping on the daily blogging bandwagon a tad too late, but I am on it nevertheless. Also, the letter for today is M which stands for a sitcom I absolutely love. Modern Family. I am sure this show has a lot of fans. And if you have not heard about the show, itContinueContinue reading “M for Modern Family | AtoZ Challenge”

#ShaadiSeries : The Honeymoon Ritual

The Honeymoon Ritual is the last and probably the most unnecessary ritual of the wedding extravaganza!I have seen a LOT of couples actually delaying their wedding dates so that coincide with a more favourable time to travel. Dates have been pushed back and forth trying to accommodate a ‘so-called’ honeymoon budget. The idea of aContinueContinue reading “#ShaadiSeries : The Honeymoon Ritual”

Spunk and Colour – Meenakshi Pamnani

It started out in the early months of 2016 when I conceptualised and decided to document and chart the journey of fashion prominent women bloggers in Hyderabad. I knew some of these bloggers personally and I reached out to a couple more and received the warmest reception from them. The plan did hit a bumpContinueContinue reading “Spunk and Colour – Meenakshi Pamnani”

#ShaadiSeries : 11 Things I would have done differently in my wedding

Right now, I am 9 months into my wedding but most days I feel like it only happened yesterday. But then there are times it feels like it was years ago, what with all that is happening in life at such a fast pace. Looking back at my wedding, I do have regrets about howContinueContinue reading “#ShaadiSeries : 11 Things I would have done differently in my wedding”

#ShaadiSeries : Mehendi-ed

I had a difficult time zeroing in on a lot of vendors that I had needed help from during my wedding and finding the right Mehendi artist was one of them. I have a full figure body and naturally my hands are quite big which according to a lot of mehendi artists are a goldContinueContinue reading “#ShaadiSeries : Mehendi-ed”

Quiet and Fierce – Chandana Munipalle

It was in the aftermath of a major photography drought I went through that I conjured this project in my head where I photograph the prominent bloggers in Hyderabad city. Though the number is quite small, this little but significant community of bloggers is the one to look out for. In my series of meetingContinueContinue reading “Quiet and Fierce – Chandana Munipalle”